Focused Coaching

It’s important for me

  1. to arrive at our coaching sessions with useful content, skills and approaches that make a practical difference to your life

  2. that you understand the direction and journey map of our work together, rather than having to just trust me on that

  3. that the sessions are about you, not just the content

    So you get to bring your work (or life) situation to the meeting, and we meet in the middle: you holding the agenda, and me bringing new content. We fit the two together each time.

Here’s a journey map for the one year Leader Transformation program

  • delivered through individual coaching sessions

  • in five themes that build on each other to transform your leadership

leader transformation timeline

Theme One

Understanding who I am right now as a Leader


Great leaders choose and build a deliberate individual leadership style rather than imitating, following or assuming one. So let’s discover who you really are right now, identifying your strengths, weaknesses & individual style. 

This work builds deep confidence and self-belief. You will design and practice new attitudes and actions that build understanding and engagement around you.   You’ll learn coaching approaches that are essential to later parts of the program.

Theme Two

Intentional Leadership


The second part of the plan helps you recognise your personal values and lead deliberately to honour them.  No surprise that your performance takes a step up here.

Unsure of your impact, or what you’re really doing here? Now’s the time to develop a clear brand that affects everyone around you, and learn to explain how and why you lead.

If several of your team are in the program, company transformation is usually obvious by the end of this part.

Theme Three

Advanced Communication Skills


The third part of the plan builds your practical conversation skills. Feedback, difficult conversations, decision making, collaboration, coaching & mentoring, and optimising a team’s performance through conversation. 

It’s where the deep self-work of the first two parts finds real outward expression.  Even excellent communicators find new approaches, attitudes and perspectives here.  Teams that have these skills embedded in their culture are wired for success, resilience and impact.

Theme Four

Fighting Busy


Here’s where we get even more practical, helping you as a leader decide what you actually do.  It includes a whole new approach to goal setting, prioritising and boundary-setting to keep you focussed. 

Practical sessions like redesigning meetings lead into building a transformational leadership mindset that owns projects, teams and initiatives rather than controlling them. 

The impact of this theme is efficiency, focus and empowerment, with significant bottom-line impact for your organisation.

Theme Five

Transformational Leadership


You won’t find this gold in any other program.  This is where we work on the big unspoken issues of the day. 

How do you lead in the new climate of uncertainty, with constantly changing external circumstances?  How do you deliberately build trust in your team and peers?

What does being a serving leader really look like? What if your people really were your main focus as a leader? 

This theme pulls skills and learning from all the others and genuinely transforms leaders and teams.

How it works

The Leader Transformation program is delivered as individual one-hour weekly sessions. It fits well into a leader’s schedule. By meeting the same time each week we quickly build impact and momentum. We encourage leaders to then put that week’s learning into action, which is where real learning happens.  That looks like practising new attitudes or actions, and spending time deepening learning by reflecting, reading or listening to suggested resources.  We check in on the valuable bits at the start of the next session. Leaders keep track of all this learning in personalized Trello boards - cloud based and mobile

Challenging Panoramas coaches are available by text and email between sessions. We’re in your corner for the whole year. Even afterwards, we’re not those leader development people who disappear