World-Class Strategic Leadership Development
I was challenged by one of my influencers to get clear on what I’m world-class at
Like most of us, I struggled to answer that for myself. I reached out to seven people that I’ve known for a while and trust, and asked them to answer it. Here’s what they said.
I’m learning to own these statements. Like most of us again, praise and sincere compliments are difficult for me to deeply accept. I’m worried about seeming arrogant. And at the same time, these phrases give me clarity and conviction, that the skills that I’ve worked so hard to develop really are having an impact.
I’ve chosen to remove the names of the people that responded, but if you’d like to talk to any of them, I can connect you.
Ben is world class at providing clarity in what can often be a noisy environment. He’s world class at connecting with his people because he genuinely cares. Ben is world class at making clients look inward, and helping leaders develop a brand/vision/goal mindset that they show up with everyday because it becomes genuinely engrained, not a box checking exercise.
Ben is truly world-class at asking important questions, building networks, celebrating the success of others, and championing people to reach further. He is a world-class explorer, helping people identify and extract their hidden natural resources.
Ben’s world class skill is the ability to take any situation, no matter how dynamic, and make a session relevant, helpful and easy to apply.
Ben is world-class at helping leaders declutter their thoughts and centre, guiding them to their strengths and opportunities to learn, and allowing them to prioritize action
Ben has two world-class skills: asking questions that get to the heart of the matter - with sensitivity, and providing personalized career insights leaders don’t find elsewhere
Ben is world-class at seeing the deeper meaning of what is going on underneath somebody’s words. He is perceptive beyond. He guides leaders on a journey that helps them answer the question that everybody in the world is dying to know: “who am I?” He is world-class at helping them see themselves, not as they should be, but as they are; and thus finding the treasure that lies within them for the world to see and benefit from. Ben is honest and completely dedicated to leaders’ success and growth.
World-class? Ben changed my life. I'm a different person after working with him.